The fight against terrorism is [fiasco]? The number of ...

0 years my IS infiltration Symbol - VICE The fight against terrorism is [fiasco]? The number of Islamic extremists, was increased from. Terrorist attacks at that time to nearly double According to the latest report of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the number of Islamic extremists of the world is now, was found to be increased to nearly double the 00 date. Diplomatic analysts, this is the fight against terrorism is talking also that it is a sign of depression show that it is a large failure. According to the same report, combatants of Islamic fundamentalism that are about million people to about 0 countries. American based in Washington, DC think tank [Center for Strategic and International Studies (Center for Strategic and International Studies: CSIS)] According to the latest report, the number of Islamic extremists of the world is now, to nearly double the 00 date it was found that a growing number. Diplomatic analysts, this is the fight against terrorism is talking also that it is a sign of depression show that it is a large failure.
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